[For me], Pico isn't implying a sossegado life, but rather a mindful one. 🕉️ In work, this approach motivates me to take time and uncover unapparent insights, drives me to focus on details and inspires me to strive towards making people's lives better, one design increment at a time. ☝🏽

A critical thinker, I am formally educated in the British Design Council's Double Diamond methodology, and also studied others. Today, I maintain these frameworks as "guardrails" whilst bringing an intent and context appropriate approach & tools to each project. I focus on bringing stakeholder centricity and aiming my design at the heart of people, business & tech.

Moving forward, I shall endeavour to add lenses of ethics & sustainability to my work. Firstly by instilling mindful design practices that take into account the impact of what we put out and then eliminating dark patterns across the experience delivery.

Operating Principles



Visual& Tactile


My Typical Design Process

Discovery &Understanding.


Shaping &Alignment.


Exploration& Ideation.


Prototyping& Testing.
